After watching Shutter Island, EVERYONE is asking the SAME question: IS TEDDY DANIELS SANE OR INSANE????????? Well, at the end of the movie, Teddy did find out that his gun was a plastic gun, which would mean that he wasn't really a marshall. BUT the doctors could've easily replaced his real gun with a toy and handed it to him, right? However, the anagrams shown to him by the bald guy were pretty convincing. Also, it really made sense when the bald guy made a link between the dreams Teddy was having and the true story of his life.

But let's "read between the lines"; first there's this scene where Teddy and his partner were interviewing the patients...while they were interviewing the lady who was sent to the island for axing her husband, she wrote something on Teddy's notepad. It said "RUN". This was probably a warning...and let's not forget that she asked Teddy's partner for a glass of water...she probably did that because she knew that Teddy's partner was an accomplice of the bald guy and the other doctors, and she wanted to warn Teddy that he had to get off the island ASAP.

Oh and let's also not forget the part where Teddy found Rachel Solando - the real one - in the cave. It's true that Teddy was having hallucinations, but I doubt that Rachel was one of them. Rachel explained to him the reason why he was having all his hallucinations, and the reason why his hands were shaking uncontrollably. She told him that it was because of the pills and the cigarettes that were given to him on the island, and NOT because he was CRAZY or because he was ANDREW LAEDDIS like the bald guy was trying to convince him at the end of the movie. Rachel told him that she was a nurse before on the island and that she started suspecting that there was some brainwashing going on...she wanted to expose this brainwashing secret to be able to bring a stop to it - just like Teddy wanted to do - but when the doctors estimated that she went too far, they made everyone think that she was crazy and made her become a patient, pretending that she had killed her three kids... Well there apparently are a LOT of other convincing details that I haven't noticed...probably cause I fell asleep in the middle lol XD...not that it was boring but I was tired from a whole week of work...Anyways, if my post wasn't helpful enough, you can always check out more detailed ones...Thanks

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